
Circular Economy


Plastic waste is a global problem and can endanger the health of ecosystems. Today there are technical possibilities to solve the problem, or at least to mitigate it. The use and evaluation of these technologies are part of the module.
Introduction to the circular economy and sustainable management of plastics. Overview of the possibilities of waste prevention strategies (influence of the R's). Consideration of recycling options and evaluation. Demonstration of recycling processes and procedures. Implementation of possibilities using practical exercises in the laboratory.

Kurse in diesem Modul

Circular Economy :

Overview of the principles and methods of the circular economy. Introduction to sustainability and evaluation options. Familiarization with the variants of material collection and the sorting and cleaning processes. Familiarization with the treatment processes using practical exercises.

Vorlesung mit 1 Lektionen pro Woche
Praktikum mit 1 Lektionen pro Woche

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